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Media Release

Free TV Welcomes reform of Archaic Communications Allowance Rules

By February 27, 2019July 19th, 2019No Comments

Free TV Australia today welcomed the changes introduced by Special Minister of State, The Hon Alex Hawke MP, to allow parliamentarians to spend their communications allowances with Australian media outlets.

Free TV CEO, Bridget Fair: “The current rules are yet another example of seriously antiquated legislation that does not contemplate the new media age. 

“It is outrageous that public money can be spent on foreign multinational social media platforms that do not even comply with Australian Electoral Commission rules around election advertising but cannot be spent on trusted Australian media outlets like commercial free-to-air television, particularly in regional areas. 

“These rules are based on a 1950s view of the media landscape – they are outworn and unfair to local Australian businesses,” she said.

“We congratulate Minister Hawke for moving this law into the 21st century and hope that this initiative will be supported in the Parliament.

“This is a great first step in modernising the many outdated laws that disadvantage commercial free-to-air television broadcasters in competing with new media platforms. Hopefully the election blackout rules are the next to go,” Ms Fair said.

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