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Commercial television is the home of Australian content, showing more than any other platform, making us the backbone of the local television production industry.

Scott Cam, The Block – 9 Network

As the peak industry body for Australia’s commercial free-to-air broadcasters, Free TV Australia advances the interests of our members in national policy debates, positions the industry for the future in technology and innovation and highlights the important contribution commercial free-to-air television makes to Australia’s culture and economy.

$1.67 billion spent on Australian local content

More than 25,000 hours of Australian content shown on commercial television every year

432 hours of first run Australian drama shown in 2018

87% of all programming expenditure is spent on Australian content

13 million Australians watch Free TV every day

6 out of every 10 dollars spent on Australian television content comes from Free TV

Our Members

Free TV Australia proudly represents all of Australia’s commercial free-to-air television broadcasters in metropolitan, regional and remote licence areas.


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Free TV members employ more than 15K people and contribute $2.8 billion to the Australian economy

Recent News

July 4, 2024 in Media Release

Not all they were cracked up to be: new TV laws fail to deliver for all Australians

Free TV Australia today expressed its disappointment that the Prominence and Anti-Siphoning legislation passed by the Senate today does not deliver for all Australians. Anti-siphoning and prominence laws that were…
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June 26, 2024 in Media Release

Regional TV needs long-term support, not shuffling of the deckchairs

The closure of Mildura Digital Television signals that regional television in Australia is at a critical point. Free TV today called for a comprehensive four step plan to place regional…
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